Most Michiganders are used to a little bit of cold weather, but this cold snap has been ongoing since the beginning of the year. With subzero temperatures in the forecast for the next week it is important to be aware that these are favorable conditions for pipes to freeze.
When a pipe freezes, it will usually burst from all of the pressure being exerted on all sides of the pipe unless it is thawed quickly. It isn’t all that difficult for a pipe to freeze in all actuality, but if you are prepared, it will be much less likely.
First off, you should always keep your home at 55 degrees or higher, because this will keep your pipes at a temperature that will prevent them from freezing. It is also beneficial to keep your cabinets in the kitchen and bathrooms open where pipes are lined near the exterior so that the warm air can circulate and keep them warmer. If you have not yet insulated your pipes, now would also be a good time to do so! You can purchase inexpensive heat tape or pipe insulation at your local hardware store and install it easily.
When a pipe bursts, it can leave water damage all throughout the property and can be a very large mess to clean up. By preparing for the cold weather by insulating your pipes, you can prevent the hassle of having to deal with thousands of dollars in repairs due to water damage and pipe repairs.